Monday, December 12, 2011

Limitations on Freedom

All of us have some of our freedoms taken away because our social contract says some greater goal is achieved by limiting those freedoms.

  • Children are robbed of their freedom to spend their time however they want because adults think we will have a better society if people are educated.

  • Adults do not have the freedom to spend their money how they want because our social contract says that everyone needs to pay taxes to contribute to things like roads, police, and schools.

  • None of us have the freedom to walk around in public without clothing because our social contract says that public nudity is offensive and disturbs the peace.

What freedoms are taken away from you? What is the reason or purpose for limiting your freedom? Do you think it is fair and appropriate that our rights and freedoms are limited in these ways? Would you suggest any changes? Refer to your rubric, or the one posted on the previous blogs, for full credit. Please remember to use 8 complete sentences (and spelling and grammar count).