Monday, December 12, 2011

Limitations on Freedom

All of us have some of our freedoms taken away because our social contract says some greater goal is achieved by limiting those freedoms.

  • Children are robbed of their freedom to spend their time however they want because adults think we will have a better society if people are educated.

  • Adults do not have the freedom to spend their money how they want because our social contract says that everyone needs to pay taxes to contribute to things like roads, police, and schools.

  • None of us have the freedom to walk around in public without clothing because our social contract says that public nudity is offensive and disturbs the peace.

What freedoms are taken away from you? What is the reason or purpose for limiting your freedom? Do you think it is fair and appropriate that our rights and freedoms are limited in these ways? Would you suggest any changes? Refer to your rubric, or the one posted on the previous blogs, for full credit. Please remember to use 8 complete sentences (and spelling and grammar count).


  1. The limitations that have been taken away from me is the freedom to spend my money. They do this because I would want a giant jawbreaker, and they said i didn't need this because it was too much sugar and it was bad for me. I think this is completely reasonable because it was bad for me and it could rot my teeth and give me cavities. Also I would not suggest any changes to my freedom because I think it is completely reasonable the way it is now.

  2. I have some freedoms taken away from me. The freedom that is taken away from me is that i am not allowed to spend my money on things i want to spend it on. My parents tell me what i can and can not buy. I dont know why but it isnt fair. I dont think it is fair because i have rights, and it is my money.I should be able to spend on what ever i want to spend it on. The changes i would like to make is that if it is your money you should be able to spend it on whatever you want. That is the freedom that is taken away from me.

  3. As kids or students, our freedoms are very limited. A freedom that is taken away from me is being able to spend my money on what I want. This is completely unreasonable. First of all, it's my money, AND I NEED IT NOW! Second of all, my parents put the money into the bank for college. I'm probably not even going to go to college! And lastly, life is short. It's scary to think, but any of us could die tommorrow. I'm not asking if I could spend all of my money on a bunch random junk in one day, I'm just asking for the freedom to use what money I have once in a while to make life a little more fun. Because with school ruining 5 days of your week, you need to enjoy yourself on weekends.

  4. There are some freedoms taken away from me like the amount of time I am allowed to spend online. Or the amount of money I can spend and on what. I think that this is very reasonable because it is for a good reason. I cant spend a lot of time online because it is better for my health to do something active instead of staring at a computer screen. Also, when I am spending money they ask if I really want it and if I will use it or wear it later. As you can see i don think that there should not be any changes. I conclusion I don't have a suggestions for changes.

  5. I also have some freedoms taken away from me. The biggest freedom taken away from me is that I have to save some of my money for college and for the future. Some things, my parent’s think is unnecessary, while I think that I would need it. The purpose for limiting my freedom is because my freedom is because my parents care and love me, and don’t want me wasting my money. I don’t think that it is fair and appropriate that our rights and freedoms are limited in this way, because the money is mine. Something that should and could change would be that: if you have something that is yours, then you are free to do whatever you want with it. For example, it is my money and I should be able to do what I want with it. So money is the freedom that has been taken away from me.

  6. that last one was mine. sorry.

  7. I think that some Freedoms should be taken away until you are a certain age. Maybe like how late you are out with your friends. But As you get older and you have a job for example I think you should have the freedom to spend your money the way you want to. I don't believe children should be allowed to go party when ever, where ever, do whatever. I think there should be some limitation but also let you kids live a little. To make mistakes and LEARN from them! I dont think there should be any changes, but I do suggest that some extreme Limitations of Freedom like Not letting your child do anything ( unless they have some serious problem and they aren't eligible to make wise decisions on their own) and keeping them From the outside world is not appropriate. You should let them explore new things. At least some Freedom. It kind of depends on the person/people. I think my Freedom Limitations are pretty Acceptable, and I would not change them one bit; At the moment.

  8. There are many limitations and a kid’s life. For one thing, they don’t have a say in the decisions adults make for them. For example, I want to go to the mall but my parents wanted to go to Kmart instead. In addition, there are other limits put on us kids because of our age. Of course, a 3 year old can’t vote on their decisions, but a 10 year old, and up, can. Also, adults can spend their money on anything they want, even on the most ridicules things. Yet, kids are not able to buy their own computer or whatever, with their own money, without their parent breathing done their necks about it. Plus, on many small vehicles, like atvs or even bikes, kids are not allowed to ride them because of the limitations the gov. / adults put on it. Still, a lot of times the small vehicles will be too small for that age group of kids to ride on. So, what would be the point of that if the kids can’t enjoy them? Therefore, you can see how frustrating the limitations are, but there is nothing we can do because adults are in control. These are only some of the limits on a kid’s life.

  9. Some freedoms that are taken away from me is what I do after school or sports. For example I always have to do my homework right when I get home. The reason that my freedom is limited here is because my parents what me to succeed when I grow up. Also so I don't pt it off to the last second and don't get a bad grade. Yes I do think this is fair because parents know what's best because of their past experience. I believe that everybody should do this because it is very important towards futures. Limitation towards your rights is good and bad. In all I believe that it will help you in the long run.

  10. A freedom that is taken away from is the what clothes I can wear and buy. My mom prevents me from getting anything she would call "revealing" or "too short". Even if I think a shirt or dress is pretty she will tell me either "Yea its cute" or "No. That is inappropriate" or "No that's ugly". What I think is bad is that most of the times they aren't inappropriate at all but pretty. Its my money that I use to spend on my clothes and I'm going to be the one wearing it. I suppose in some things like a skirt being too short my mom would be correct. I still believe that I should be able to buy the clothes I want since its my money and I'm in eighth grade. If I could change anything about my feedom, I would make a rule stating that parents would have to allow you to pick out (buy) the clothes you want, but they may have some suggestions, when you are the age of 11 or 12. In conclusion my freedom in what I buy in appearal is taken away from me.

  11. A freedom I have taken away is how I spend my time.I spend 6 hours a day 5 days a week in school. Then I have to do homework when I get home so school probably takes up 7-8 hours of my day. I also have to do things around my house and other activities. So most of my time is taken away from me and i dont like it. I feel if it is my time i should be able to spend it doing the things that i want to do.

  12. As a kid I have freedom taken away from my parents. I cant due certain things such as do what i want all the time. I cant just leave the house and do what i want.Also I have school time takign away from freedom. Yes, I dont want to go to school but i have to. Then when I get home i have homewrok and chores to do. I cant control these things so this stuff takes up my time and freedom. Whe ni get older i know that I will have more time to sped freedom the way i would like to. No one has all the freedom they want but im glad that i have a little bit of freedom. Im happy I have freedom to play xbox and do what i want to after i do chores and done with school stuff. This is what freedom I have in my life.

  13. The freedom that is taken away from me is the time I spend on my Xbox and the rights to spend my money on what I want.My parents did this because so I don't spend all my time on xbox.For the money thing, my parents did that because so I don't spent my money on video games or bad stuff.I think it is reason able for rights like this one to be taken away because so I don't get too much on one subject and too little for the other subject.For example, I play MW3 all the time and never read.I would be an expert on MW3 and can I probably only read 5 pages an hour.Something like that...I don't think that this should be change because so my skills would even out and not too too much on one thing.For the money thing, I don't think it is appropriat to take the rights to buy what ever I want.That is because it's my money and I should be able to use it when ever I want to.I think that should be change.

  14. the freedom that is taken away from me is i cant spend my time doing the things i want. in an effort parents try to prepare their children for success as adults, parents are often over-scheduling them so they cant do what they want all the time. like if i want to go to the mall with my friends i cant unless my homework is done. i know that my parents want the best for me so i can be successful in life when i am an adult but they also need to know that having friends and socializing with them is very important to. just like our parents our friends are there for us to and i think that without friends who will be there when your sad or just want to hang out. thats why i think our parents should let us have our freedom to do what we want but it can still be limited.

  15. My freedom is limited in the way that I cannot choose what classes that I pick. For example, I have to take chorus class. I think the reason that I have to take chorus is because if everyone took the classes they wanted there would be 87 people in Art Media and 1 in chorus. Thus, they make us take chorus because they want the amount of kids in every class balanced. I do not think this is fair at all. I do think we should change this. Maybe, we could get a new class that people would like instead of chorus, like another gym period. Also, we should not have to do advisory. They offer us no other alternative. Maybe we could have a choice of study hall or advisory. Our freedom is very limited.

  16. I think that Freedom of Speech has been taken away from us in a way. I think this because adults at school, and people around us don't want to say how we feel, or what we think or feel about something that is happening in our lives. For example, in my Healthy Living class some kids aren't allowed to talk about some teachers that they don't like, because it almost always "inappropriate." Yes, it is a right to have freedom of speech, but everyone should be considerate of one another, and how they would feel if they said something mean to them. You also have to think about how you would feel if someone said something mean, or rude to you. In a way, having less of the Freedom of Speech right has been a good change. That's why I think that some of the Freedom of Speech right has been taken away from us kids.

  17. One of the freedoms that is taken away from me is the amount of time i get to spend on the internet. I am limited to an hour a day on week days and 2 hours on the weekend. Even though i would like more time on the internet, i think this is a good idea. If i spend too much time watching music video's or chatting with friends,my brain will start to rot. All the lessons i learned at school will be forgotten and replaced with junk. MY parents want me to gain knowledge by reading or spend time outside doing physical activities. If i read, then it will help me with my reading skills. If i go outside then i will get into better shape. If i were to make any changes then i would try to persuade my parents to make a compromise with me. If i do chores and help around the house, then i can get more time on the internet. Lets say if i work for an hour then i get to go on the internet for an hour whenever i want to. This is what i think about our rights.

  18. As a kid, I have a few rights taken from me that some people would find as things that should be mandatory. First of all I am deprived of my right to chose my classes. I do understand that I will have choices in less than a year at high school, but I still think having a choice of my classes would be a nice touch to my middle school experience. The class that I would like to change out of is chorus. In Chorus I am forced under my own will to sing songs that don’t make sense to me because they are in some made up language. Now you might not know that during the summer every year they mail you a paper which you choose from chorus, band, strings, or art media. Because I chose chorus in 7th grade I didn’t get the letter which enabled me to change out of chorus. I agree with Cassius when he said that they need to balance the classes so I tolerate chorus and live with it because I know I don’t have to do it next year. Also I feel I am not given the right to spend my money on what I want. The money that I make from being a referee at soccer games and the money I make from baby sitting should be money that I can use on what ever, but my parents don’t think so. I would understand not being allowed to spend my money on certain things I would want if the money was allowance money, but I don’t get an allowance. Im sure my parents do this to protect me, but I would like to try and make responsible purchases by myself. I think that John and Karen are great parents but maybe they should give me a chance to buy what I want with my own money. Have a good day mates!

  19. Lots of are freedoms are taken away or at least reduced to protect us. If I had complete control I would never do any of my home work. In fact I would never go to school, but if that was allowed I would grow up to be stupid and never get a job. Another thing taken away to protect me is the right to do what every recreational activity I want. I have always wanted to climb a cliff near Steep Rock, thinking it would be fun, but if I slipped and fell and didn't have a harness I would crack my head open. Many other rights are put for my own good, so I don't die or ruin my life. While I always complain about this I realize afterwords that if I did do dangerous thing X it probably was not going to come out great. This is why limits on are freedom, while very annoying, are a good thing.

  20. I believe that freedom is taken away from us in many different scenarios. Some examples of this would be infringement of our privacy. This is because we are children and until we are 18 our parents are our protectors and our guardians, so they have control over us. So if they say they want to look at our facebook account, they have the right to do that, where when we are adults they will not have the ability to do so. In some ways I believe this is fair and some ways I don't think this is fair. Naturally, they are just doing what they think is right to keep us safe but at the same time it can be annoying and a violation of our personal space. Also I believe we don't necessarily have the same freedom of speech that our elders have. When kids try to speak their minds the adults somewhat just push the kids to the side and don't listen to what they have to say. A reason for limiting this could be because some kids aren't mature and wise enough at a young age to make the best decisions and really know what's going on. I don't think this is very fair because we have the right to be able to speak our minds and on the other side we deserve people listening to us on the other side. This doesn't always happen though, because people find us too childish and irresponsible but some of us really have something worth hearing. I don't think I could see myself wanting to make anymore changes because it could create immense amounts of chaos and havoc.

  21. There are many freedoms taken away from kids. Some are, not being able to choose what classes we want to take, what we want to wear, what we want to spend money on, and time we are allowed to do things we want to. The responsibilities our parents/teachers give us (ex. homework, chores) really limit us from doing what we want to. Because I have to take science, it's a grade on my report card that I'm not proud of because I don't like the class, and don't catch on to the concepts, but I HAVE to take it, its a "requirement" to the teachers. At school, i have to wear shorts that are a certain length or a shirt that is high enough. If i don't i will get in trouble because the teachers made the rules, and we are required to follow them, the freedom to wear whatever we want is taken away. I think the reason that our freedoms are limited is so people stay in order. If we could go around wearing whatever we wanted, there would be some pretty weird people out there, but since society has carved out guidelines for everyone to follow, it keeps everyone in order. Also, some people may be offended i they see people just walking around naked, cause there wasn't a requirement that you had to wear clothing, or could wear whatever you chose even if it was nothing. It is fair for rights to be limited, because some people may be offended. But i think the responsibilities we are given as students by teachers limits us even more because we can't choose if we want to take a class when we know that it's a subject we're not remotely interested in.

  22. I think that while in school, students' rights are very limited. We are not allowed to make choices about what classes we take. While in some cases this makes sense, such as the main academic classes, for others the rule is just unfair. For example, students are not allowed to opt out of advisory. Every student has to take advisory, even if they would rather do other things. I think this is very unfair because if someone doesn't want to be in a class, no one benefits from them being forced to attend that class. This also applies to other classes, such as technology education, chorus, computer, etc. I think students should have the right to choose whatever classes they would benefit from/enjoy the most. For example, if a student had no interest in making things with wood, and wanted to be an artist, I feel it is restrictive to a student to force them to attend a class that will help them less to achieve their goals. These are some of the limits I have on my freedoms as a middle school student.

  23. As a kid my freedom that is taken away is choosing what i would like to wear or want to buy. For an example if i am buying clothes and my parents are there with me they may limit what I want to buy by saying it is too inappropriate or too short. Sometimes i know that my parents are right so I agree with them but if the clothing has nothing wrong with it, it usually means my parents just don’t like it and do not want me to buy it but they shouldn’t violate that because its my choice.

  24. I do have some freedoms taken away from me. Some of those freedoms would be what I do with my free time, where I can and cannot go, what I wear, what I can buy. I do not believe these freedoms are taken away just because; I believe that we are limited in the things we do because the people who care about us don't want us to get into trouble. For example, say you wanted to go over to a new friend's house this weekend and your parents said no because they haven't met the other child's parents, they aren't just telling you that to give you an excuse. They want to make sure you are safe where ever you go. they don't want anything to happen to you because they care about you. While others think that these Limitations on Freedom are unfair, I think that they are only limited for your safety.

  25. Many kids wold agree with me that, its not right for them to have there parent go with them when they go to the store, and they will always say, "NO!!THAT IS A DAD... THIS... AND THAT..." Every kid hates that! Who doesnt? And what about school... our Freedom of speech is takin away there too. For example; why dint they let us pick our classes? or in wich order they are in? We hae know say in what classes we have to take every year. For a second example; Spanish. I dont like spanish class at all! I liked it better in 6th grade when it was only for a trimeseter! now its all year round. If it were up to me, id protest!! And what about Advisory? Thats a killer. Couldn't we hae the choce to do that or something else like, clubs continued, or another D1 (study hall). There is a great Limmitation on our Freedom of Speech, and i beg to differ...

  26. I think that a lot of freedom has been taken away from kids. Like not being able to wear what they want to school because of dress codes like shorts have to be of a certain length and shirts can't be too low, and that takes away the right to dress the way they want to. Kids have to spend 6 hours at school, and then go home to do homework, so that takes away their free time. But I think that society has taken away some freedoms for a reason, to keep things in order. If kids weren't required to go to school, no one would have the knowledge to work and take care of themselves, so that could be a reason why kids don't have the freedom to choose wheather to go to school or not. I also think that if schools let kids wear what they wanted to school there would be a lot of kids dressing inapproperiatly, so that is another reason why the freedom to dress how they want is taken away. I think that society has taken away some freedoms for a good reason.

  27. As a kid we have more limited freedoms than an adult. Limiting these is good in ways, such as a kid not being able to vote. The kid will most likely not have as much knowledge as an adult of the subject. If there were four year olds running for president and then all kids vote that one four year old our economy will most likely fail and we would all be in serious trouble. One change that I would suggest is how long kids have to go through school. They should have to go past four years in college so that way the American education system would be better. One way that it would be better is that if all kids go to college for four years they will probably have more knowledge of current events in America and the world. On other things like the way that people spend money should not have restrictions on it. If I wanted to go out and buy a very expensive phone then I would be able to do this. The reason why I don’t do this now is because my parents do not allow me to. If I went into debt then I could learn from my mistakes and not buy things that are out of my zone. These are the different freedoms that are limited and that I have.

  28. Many freedoms are taken away from me. For example, I cannot spend my money on whatever I want. Also, I have to go to school, and at school I cannot choose what classes I take. I cannot spend my money on whatever I want because my parents want the best for me. Therefore, they might make me put my money in the bank instead of spending it on video games or other things. I have to go to school because if we didn’t have to go to school many kids would choose not to. This would make the United States a place with more poor and uneducated people. There is also a reason for why I cannot choose what classes I take. If we were allowed to choose the classes we took there would be the worse classes that have barely any kids and the better classes with many kids. I think, for the most part, that it is fair and appropriate that our rights and freedoms are limited. However, I would suggest changes. Students should be allowed to choose their non-academic classes and we should be allowed to pick an alternative for advisory. This is what I think of my rights and freedoms.

  29. I believe that as a kid our freedom is limited but in a reasonable manner. My resposibiliies as a sudent and a family member take away most of my freedom. As an eighth grade student I am expected to complete my homework each night. This conlficts with many obligations I have after school as well as other things I would rather be doing. Also, as a student I am expected to act appropriote in school and contribute to class positivley. The reason for these rules is to promote a better learning enviorment and encourage kids to have a better future. I may feel differently about the rules in school but i cannot go against them even if i want to. As a family member i have to listen to my parents and contribute to the household. I have to do chores and act pleasant eventhough i may not want to.These actions make life at home more orderly and efficent. Therefore being both a sudent and a part of my family limits my freedom. I would not wish to change any of these limitations because without enforcement of rules life would become less sructured and uncivilized.

  30. As kids we are limited to what we can and can not do. For example, kids under the age of 16 are not allowed to drive. We can not drive because the Government believes that kids are not ready to take on the responsibility. If you are driving someone than it is like saying that their life is in your hands. If they get hurt than that child is in serious trouble. Although I think that I am very capable of driving and not killing myself, why take the risk. As a kid I also have many freedoms. We get free public transportation (the bus), we don't have to go to work, and we have almost no responsibilities as an individual. Those are just the beginning too.

  31. Many freedoms are taken away from children. One I the freedom to do what they want o during the day because they have to go to school. This freedom is taken away because if kids did not go to school then everyone wouldn’t know anything. This could cause major obstructions like people that never learn to speak correctly or use math to buy things. Another freedom that is taken away from children is to spend money the way I want. If I wanted to buy a bag of candy my parents could tell me I can’t for no reason because they have more rights them children. This freedom is taken away because children are not as wise as adults and could make bad selections. I think most freedoms that kids don’t have are for good reasons.

  32. There are many feedoms that are taken away from me like the choice of whether or not to go to school or get an education. I think that the reason for limiting our freedoms is because it is important to have rules and limitations. I say this because some people would choose to not get an education and that could cause many problems. I think that it is fair that our rights are limited in this way because it makes kids get an education. I think that a good change would be a rule/law to make people have a job with the exception that there aren't any jobs available. Another good rule would be for kids to have to volunteer during the weekend, to help right the wrongs. Another rule could be that kids don't have to go to school everyday because it gets really boring sometimes, maybe kids could skip once every couple of months without having to do any make-up work.

  33. Freedoms that are taken away children are things like having the right to make changes in my government. The reason for this is that then all children would have that right and they might make terrible choices about our government, choices that wouldn’t be made if only adults had the freedom to change our government. I think this is fair because then children won’t have to deal with all the overwhelming authority in their government and life is then not threatened by childish laws or unjust laws that could be created. These laws could be something like; parents must provide children with phones. I can understand why children would want this change: for better communication. I know that I always am annoyed when I am forced to use a house phone when talking to my friends because other people in my house can pick up another phone and eavesdrop. If my parents were forced to supply me with a phone, then that wouldn’t be an issue. However this wouldn’t be a fair change because not all parents can afford to supply their children with phones and children tend to break things, like phones, so they wouldn’t last very long. Then the parent would have to get another, eventually ruining our economy because of one change in the government. I can understand why this wouldn’t be allowed, but I would suggest that children at least be able to vote on changes they feel necessary and that the government must go over them because some things that children wish to change may have better affects then others.

  34. I would say that all kids have at least some of their freedoms taken away from them. Some of the freedoms taken away from me are what I wear, where I go, and what I buy. I believe that these freedoms are taken away for a good reason. For example if I walk out in to my kitchen in the morning wearing a pair of shorts that are inappropriate for school then my mom will make me change because she wouldn't want me to get into trouble. Also I have to check with one of my parents before I go somewhere. Most of the time they say I can go, but sometimes they say that I can't but even though I may get mad at them that night. Once I'm calmed down I realize that it was probably better that I didn't go to that place. So yes I do believe that it is fair that my freedoms are limited in these ways for the time being. For right now I wouldn't change how my freedoms are limited.

  35. Because I’m a kid, a lot of freedoms are taken away from me. How much time I spend on the internet, what I need to do when I get home, what I can wear, where I can go with friends or if I don’t need a chaperone to watch me with my friends, etc. I believe the reason for limiting our freedom is for our safety and to teach us responsibility. I know that at our age we think we are practically adults ourselves and have the right to go where we want, wear what we want, etc., but we are still kids and we get more freedom as we are older which comes with more responsibility. Most of the time I don’t agree with my parents and teachers, and I don’t think they’re always fair, but we all have to remember it’s for our safety. So, I do think that the freedom we have as children is sometimes fair, but when we are adults, and being censored by the government and libraries, and not being able to state our opinions on matters, I don’t approve. It is our first amendment to state our opinions with freedom of speech, and when our rights are being threatened, it is unethical. To change matters like these, I would advise listening to our opinions. Not just the kids’ but the peoples’ as well, because even though the adults and the government think they know everything, they don’t.

  36. OWEN T TO THE CPT ON A ROBBIN SPREEDecember 14, 2011 at 7:19 PM


  37. There are many ways that my freedom is limited for one thing, my aunt controls the amount of spending I do, saying in need to learn how to "spend responsibly." I don't thinks it's too bad because what she says makes sense and she doesn't limit it TOO much. However I think that a freedom that IS limited too much is our ability to spend our time how we want. I do understand that education is important, but is 6 and a half hours really necessary? The only suggestion I would make is shortening the amount of time spent in school. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

  38. I think some restriction to freedom is alright, because if you were to see someone running arround nude woulden't it be kind of disturbing. It would be nice though if kids could get alittle more freedom and if we could make more choices like what we buy when we buy it. I know that I donn't know what paying bills feels like but I do know its hurting people all over because of the bad economy. If there could be less restrictions we may have less crime because most people now are robbing because they can't afford the price of products now. Yes we'd have a better society if everyone had a good education but, parents and teachers have to high of expectations. Such as, like I know now the teachers are realy starting to speed up their pace and expect us to follow. So yes I guess What I'm trien to say is it would be nice to have more freedom since we call our country a free country.

  39. One freedom that is taken away from me is the freedom to use my phone whenever I would like. To me, this is a freedom being taken away but in a way, it is a privilege being taken away because it only goes away when I do something wrong. For example,if I get a bad grade on a test in Social Studies, my parents will take away something I use often (my phone) for a certain amount of time until I improve my grade. Though I do not like getting my phone taken away, I do think it is an appropriate and effective punishment because it will motivate me to do better in school and be more respectful. Another freedom that is limited is choosing what non-academic courses we can take at school. We should have a choice to take classes like Chorus, or other classes we don't enjoy, and be placed in an alternative class of our choice in which we will not only behave better, but we will want to learn and get something out of the class. I think our freedom is very limited and something should be done about it.

  40. Freedoms that are taking away from me are that I cannot spend money on things that I want to buy. My parents would not let me get it because they think I don't need it or it's a waste of money. Also in school we should have a choice in what we want to learn about. If we were able to have a choice people would be getting better grades and they would start behaving. Also us kids have limited choices in what we do in our day. We have to go to school for 6 hours and then do homework for another hour. That takes up much of our time and we can't spend time doing what we want to do.

  41. Some freedoms that are taken away from me include how I spend my money, what I wear, and where I go. I think it is somewhat fair that our rights are limited. For example, my parents can control what I buy. They won’t let me buy whatever I want they choose what they will let me buy. If they didn’t I would probably buy a bunch of things I don’t need or use. They also have a say in what I wear so that right is limited. They can tell me to change if they don’t approve of what I am wearing. I think this is fair because I’d rather have my parents tell me if looks inappropriate rather than someone else. They also can decide where I get to go. If I want to go somewhere they can say I can’t. I think this is fair because they would probably have to bring me. Freedom is limited because if it wasn’t everyone would just do what they want, when want and it would be crazy. As you get older some rights aren’t limited as much as others which I think is fair. I think that it should continue to be like this, but I think that you should be able to stand up for yourself when someone tries to limit your rights. I also think sometimes no one should be able to limit your rights. These are some freedoms that are taken away from me.

  42. I have some rights and I have some responsibilities. My rights are usually fair but not always. Sometimes it can be unfair being a kid but you have to deal with it because you haven't earned the trust from your parents to go out on your own and do what you want because you have to take care of your responsibilities before you can do what you want. But my rights are the way they are because of the type of kid I am and if I had all the rights adults had I would probably screw them up, except for not having hw that i would be perfectly fine without because sometimes I don't always do it.

  43. As a kid I have a many freedoms taken away from me. Some of these include the fact that I am forced to go to school, I cannot spend my money on what I want, and I can’t do whatever I want. I believe the majority of these freedoms are taken away for my own good. These freedoms are limited so I do not make foolish mistakes. If I were able to not go to school I would not receive an adequate education. I would find it harder later on in life to be successful and find an occupation that satisfies my needs. It is compulsory that I go to school to ensure me the best chance of achievement in my life. Even though I would rather not be in school it is for the better. Many other freedoms guarantee my safety. If I were able to do whatever I wanted and go wherever I wanted I would most certainly make mistakes. For example if I were able to smoke as young adult it would seriously threaten my health. Other things such as not having the right to drive also are enforced for my own safety. As many others have brought up, parents usually do not let their kids do whatever they want whenever they want. For example, many children would like to play on video games or be on Facebook all day but their parents usually make them stop so they can do other things, such as homework. Many of our freedoms that are restricted or taken away may be frustrating or annoying but they are for everyone’s well-being. If at least some of our freedoms were not taken away there would be a lot of chaos in the world with people making many mistakes that could have been prevented.

  44. I do believe that we have limitations on our freedom. I personally think that freedom of speech and freedom of choice is taken away from me. I think that freedom of speech is taken away from me because I don’t feel that I’m able to speak my mind. For example, whenever children try to speak around an adult, it’s like talking to a brick wall. It seems as though they don’t want to hear what you have to say. You may not think it but there are some kids that have a lot of important things to say. I think this isn’t fair. Kids should have the same freedom of speech as adults do.
    I also feel that we have lack of freedom of choice. I think this because in Chorus class we didn’t have the choice to pick the songs that we wanted to sing. We ended up singing a song that was in a different language and we didn’t even know what we were singing. Another example would be picking what I want to buy. My parents always have to have a say in what I buy, whether is not necessary or it is too much money. I think that I should have some choice in what I do. This is why I think we have limitations of some types of freedom.

  45. I think we all have limitations when it comes to our rights and freedom. My parents and teachers seem to restrict me the most. For example, if I don't listen to my mom of dad, I end up either extra chores, writing a very detailed essay as to what i did wrong, or/and I am grounded. My teachers restrict me by the rules and regulations. For example, my music teacher Mr. Shay, says that we all are doing what we enjoy when that is in fact incorrect and we are limited to choices in that class and options of music, games, etc. The reason for all of this is because we are young and need to learn. We may think we know so much what else is there in world to know? Well believe or not, life is not always as great as we wish it could be, but those problems and obstacles in life that we meet end up teaching us the most important lessons of all.

  46. There are different rights that are taken away depending on what age you are. Although some vary, others stay the same throughout your whole life. A freedom that everyone has taken is a right to privacy when you get searched at the airport. I think this is necessary, though, because there are too many terrorist threats in the world and getting searched is a small price to pay for being able to be safe on an airplane. Another freedom that is taken away from everyone is the right to be able to say anything I want, anywhere I want. For example, I can’t start swearing on a public sidewalk or say fire at a public movie theater. I think this is also necessary because it is harassment to say nasty things to random people and sometimes saying things like fire or bomb could cause panic and chaos. I can connect to this because when I flew to the Dominican Republic with my father, we both had taken our shoes off and walk through a scanner. Although this was inconvenient it made me feel very safe on the plane ride because I knew no one had anything they shouldn’t have on a plane. Although some rights are taken away, I think that they are usually completely necessary.

  47. There are many limitations that a kid could have. One would be having no say in the government. This is because kids' brains aren't fully developed, and they would make decisions that favor themselves, but not be the best overall. This is completely reasonable because for one, it would take the pressure off of the kids. Also, adults would just convince the kids to vote for their candidates by a bribe or threat. Lastly, kids would make unjust laws that could lead to the country going down in chaos. This reminds me of the book, "The Maze Runner," in which a group of kids are put into an enclosed area to govern themselves and try to keep order/survive. Even though the kids do a very good job at creating a government and keeping order, they were an elite group of kids; the best of the best. Most of the kids in this country wouldn't realize how important voting and other things relating to governing is. Having our freedom limited is a smart decision, and it's fine the way it is.

  48. I think that some freedom is taken away. At home if there is something that i want to buy but my parents don't want me to have, then I can't buy it. Also at school we can't choose the classes we want. I' stuck in chorus class. Emphasize CHORUS! Thats a class where we are supposed to sing, not spend the time making plays about a bunny named Zomo. Also if you have a concert coming up and you can't make it you shouldn't be forced to write an eight page essay on African music. I was at all the classes that led up to the concert, so what if one of the 100 kids there has something else to do. Instead of being in class you greatly dislike you should be able to choose to substitute class. We go to school for six hours a day. Thats 30 hours a week. I usually have 1 hour of homework a day. That makes it 35 hours of school a week. then the teachers start complaining how everyones obese. I'm sorry I couldn't go outside and exercise I was stuck inside doing the homework that was assigned. When we don't do our homework we get lectured on how doing our work is important, yet it seems okay if a teacher didn't correct a test for the next day. Every time its the same excuse, "I was correcting until two in the morning." Yeah right. And I guess my dog ate my homework.So what i'm trying to say is that I understand why I'm not allowed spend my money when I feel like it. That is perfectly reasonable. However, why some kids are trapped in Mr. Shay's class while others have the luxury of being in art media needs to be changed. It is also unacceptable how students are criticized when homework is not done, but when a teacher spends two nights "staying up 'till two in the morning." its perfectly fine. For God's sake your getting payed to do that stuff DO IT! The freedom of some stuff needs to be changed.

  49. i think that freedom is take away every were you are for example the school your home even in the genral public our freedoom is taken away mostly at school becuse they think were two year olds but were not were older than that the thing i hate the most is we have these tables in school during lunch their 12 people table but at the beggining of the year we were only allowd 6 people we had to fight for the right to get 8 we eventuly got it and stiil we can fit 4 more people and know do you see the right that are taken away in life its just redculas

  50. I think that some freedom is taken away. That is necessary though because if everbody could just do what ever they want it would be chaos. For kids some freedom is taken away. If a parent or a adult says that you can't do something you can't do it. We don't get to have a say in our government. That one is understandable because most kids don't know to much about politics. At school we don't really get the right of free speech. We can't really say what is on our mind. People do get freedom taken away from them.

  51. I think our freedom is very limited. As a kid I have to go to school every day for 6 hours and then we get hours of homework today after school. My time can’t be spent the way I want it to. We have to go to school for like a billion days a year. I guess that it is a good thing to educate people and the reason for making us go to school is to learn even though at the end of the day I feel like I didn’t really even learn anything. I think that 6 hours plus homework is a little excessive. Maybe it could be changed to 3 hours. Also having to go to school for 6 hours I’m not allowed to get up at 11:00 like I would like to I have to wake up at 6 in the morning to get on the bus. I think that I have very limited freedom and I can’t do things I would want to do in my day I have to spend my time in what feels like a jail for kids.

  52. I don't like Freedoms being taken away from me. For example, when my mom and I were inside the store, I was looking at something that I thought I really wanted. I asked my mother, "Mom can I get this?" She said,"Ola you have too much of that stuff, you don't need anymore." Then I asked her about the difference between wanting something and needing something. She explained that wanting something just because it looks appealing when you already have a lot of stuff doesn't make sense. When you get older and reflect on what you wanted, you will realize that you have wasted your money. Needing something is when you don't have that object at all and having that object will make a difference in your life."

    When you choose to buy something, your rights are certainly not limited. If your parents tell you that you can't have something, your freedoms still aren't limited because if you can't pay for the item, you just can't afford to buy it.

    I would suggest if a kid wants a new gadget, then he should get a job to afford that gadget and not expect the parents to buy that kid everything he wants.

  53. I also strongly agree with everything Clayton said and it was really funny:)

  54. There are some freedoms that are taken away from me. I am not allowed to do whatever I want whenever I want. Some freedoms that are taken away from me are limitations of playing video games, eating whatever I want at any given time, freedom of speech (no curse words), and bearing arms. The reasons for these freedoms to be taken away are to protect me and others from harm. I think that it is fair and appropriate that our rights and freedoms are limited in these ways because if I use my freedoms irresponsibly, I would probably get hurt or in trouble. For example, limiting video games protects my brain and frees my time from other activities. An example of how limiting my freedoms protects others is limiting my freedom of speech. I cannot say anything I want if it hurts another person, that would be considered bullying. As I get older, I will earn the right to these freedoms. Years of being conscience of them will make me more responsible. Therefore, I would not suggest changes in any of these limitations. Even if they sometimes seem unfair, these rules are very important to living a healthy lifestyle.

  55. I think that I have many rights and liberties restricted. One of them, (out of a list pages long, from which I could easily pick), is the right to spend my money. My parents are always stressing rules about me not getting my allowance if I don’t work. And I’m fine with that. I know that it’s a perfectly good and important lesson to learn in life: that you can’t get anything without working for it. What I’m trying to say is, if I do all my chores to my parents’ (astronomically unobtainable, and I mean really. my dad makes me clean the bathroom with a toothbrush. A TOOTHBRUSH!! )but if I work to their standards about 50 percent of the time, (it’s hard work) I only get paid for it about 50 percent of those times, which is 25 percent of my promised allowance, I’ll only get to spend that one in 5 times. So if I really want something, even if it’s something constructive, like an educational book, I can save the 5 percent of my allowance I can actually spend, (about a dollar a week) until I have enough. Then I give the money to my parents, but I hardly can track whether or not it is actually bought, and sometimes, I end up buying my own birthday presents. . Another right I have taken away is my electronics. I consider myself a bit computer savvy, so electronics are my link to the rest of civilization, as well as my entertainment. My parents grow ever stricter with groundings, racking up times to even 2 months. The conditions forgetting them back grow. Starting with a timed sentence, it grows to a timed sentence and straight a’s then a timed sentence, straight a’s and a monetary contribution. (Just kidding. My parents aren’t THAT bad. But you get the picture, right? . . . Good).
    But enough about them, because they really do want what’s best for me, and I trust them on that. Now I will continue my rant, but on a different topic: School. My week is already shot at 6 am on Monday, when I wake up, then almost fall asleep in the shower. Would it be that hard to make an easier schedule? Like, one that you don’t necessarily need to show up for? I have to wake up every weekday at a time that is strictly forced upon me, (and I can’t change it) only to be forced to go to all my classes then come home and risk punishment if I don’t do my homework. Somebody’s got me every way I turn. I can’t choose what classes I take, and that brings me to an important point: in chorus class this year, I almost missed a concert. I had church that day, and it conflicted with the concert. So instead of

  56. letting it go, even though I had been a great student throughout the marking period, a teacher (who will hereby remain unnamed) was going to face me with a decision: to do an outrageous amount of grueling work, or to fail the class. Not only is this a violation of countless freedoms, when I looked into it, it was illegal! But I made it to the concert. The thought though… it scares me.
    School sometimes undermines my right to make choices, which is a very important right. In the book The Giver, ironically something read in school, there is much controversy over whether or not citizens of a certain community should have choices. In the end, (spoiler alert!) the main character realizes what life could be like if people could choose, and he runs away from the community. If we don’t want people running away from everything, I say we keep all the current liberties or create more. And admit it; we’re not too bad off.
    For example, there are some sensible restrictions. One that pops into my head at once is that parents or legal guardians are in charge of bank accounts until the real owner is 18. This is reasonable, because what if some poor kids parents, who were rich, died when he was young? He would be in charge of their money, and, if he wanted to, he could misuse it, like buying a Ferrari with it. This brings me to another sensible restriction: the one that limits kids from driving. Without it, this little kid could be driving his Ferrari around (which would be particularly bad without speed limits) and he could be hurt really bad. So to save this poor kid from being paralyzed, we need to keep most restrictions, if not all of them. ‘Cause we’re doing alright. A little rough around the edges, but if we let natural selection work its magic; we’ll soon have a set of rules that keeps everyone happy and safe, while ensuring that everyone has choices.

  57. The freedom that is taken away from me is the freedom of choice. Not all choices are restricted as they are in the book The Giver. But I believe that we should have more say in the choices that are made for us. For example, the choice of what classes we can take in middle school is decided by our teachers. I think that should be our decision. Should't we have the right to make decisions on the classes we want? On the other hand, some choices are better to be made for us or at least advised by an adult. In the long run, making poor choices can be useful. Mistakes are what make us stronger and teach valuable life lessons. In total, I believe at this age it is appropriate to have adults advise our decisions. But we need to make our own decisions for our own wants and needs.

  58. The freedoms that are restricted in our everyday society are only ones that are necessary to maintain peace and order. Without these, there would be total chaos. However, this Doesn’t mean that it is flawless. There are still many laws/rules that are just too much. Like being able to spend your own money at will. For example; a small child gets an enormous sum of money that is left to him in a will. He or she will not have access to that money until they turn 18. An extreme society either with too many restrictions or no restrictions are both equally bad. with too many restrictions, such as in the book The Giver, they have no real decision that they can make. in other words, they have no impact on their own life. No restrictions at all, would be panic, because people would be running around doing whatever they want. I believe that we need to moderate the restrictions to make a more peaceful society, and still have the right to choices.

  59. Since I am a kid, many freedoms are taken away from me. I do not get the same treatment as adults. For example, I don’t have the freedom to live where I want by myself until I’m 18. Also, I’m not allowed to work legally because of child labor laws, until I am 16. The reason for limiting my freedom is because our society today doesn’t want to make the same mistakes as we did in the past. For example, when America was new, and industry was a really big business, children worked in factories to help pay the family’s expenses. This was a bad idea because the machines they worked with weren’t very safe. Children were getting fingers cut off, hair pulled out, and all sorts of other things. Also, many of them were very tired during the day because they didn’t get the required amount of sleep, and couldn’t work as well as the adults that were used to it. I think that some of freedoms should be taken away, but not all of them. The freedoms that were taken away because of failure in the past should be taken away so we don’t live in a chaotic world again. However, I think children over 12 should be able to work in certain stores because they would be able to help support their families. Of course these teens would be able to work the dame hours as adults, but they will still bring some money in. If there was another depression, how are the adults alone supposed to pay for food the feed their whole family when they don’t even have a job themselves?

  60. Well i think for a kid it is a lot different then an adult. i think this because the adults are the ones that take the freedom away from you , like your parents or teachers. for example your parents take away your freedom when you don't clean your room and forget to do something you might get grounded or have your phone taken away. Then teacher can take you freedom away if you aren't listening or didn't do you homework they could take your freedom away by giving you a detention. i guess if people didn't take away your freedom you would never know how much you like it until you don't have it anymore. I would change that adults think they can have all the freedom they want. they think when ever they want they can go out and buy whatever they want just because. then when you want to go buy something they say no you should save your money not blow it all away. Which is exactly what they did.

  61. I am under 18, so I lose a lot of freedoms.
    I don't get the same privaleges as an adult because of this.I can't get a job because I am under 16. I can't choose where to live because I'm not legally an adult. I lose the right to do what I want. I have to listen to my parents and do what they say, because they are my legal guardians. Teachers can also take away things, because I lose my rights when I come to school.They can give me detentions, and punish me, because I am under 18.

  62. Because I am under 18 my parents have the right to tell me what to do and are able to punish me. I think it is appropriate and fair that our rights and responsibilities are limited because we are not really considered adults till we turn 18. I think instead of limiting all our rights and responsibilities we should limit some of them. For example freedom of speech should be allowed for kids like me that are under 18. Teachers and parents can also take away my freedom by giving me detentions or punishing me at home for things like not doing my homewoprk or forgetting to clean up my room

  63. There are some freedoms that are taken away from me. I am not allowed to do whatever I want whenever I want. Some freedoms that are taken away from me are limitations of playing video games, eating whatever I want at any given time, freedom of speech (no curse words), and bearing arms. The reasons for these freedoms to be taken away are to protect me and others from harm. I think that it is fair and appropriate that our rights and freedoms are limited in these ways because if I use my freedoms irresponsibly, I would probably get hurt or in trouble. For example, limiting video games protects my brain and frees my time from other activities. An example of how limiting my freedoms protects others is limiting my freedom of speech. I cannot say anything I want if it hurts another person, that would be considered bullying. As I get older, I will earn the right to these freedoms. Years of being conscience of them will make me more responsible. Therefore, I would not suggest changes in any of these limitations. Even if they sometimes seem unfair, these rules are very important to living a healthy lifestyle.

  64. The freedoms taken away are I'm not allowed to go where I want want when I want. It limits my time with my friends out of school and go to store for stuff I want. Some reasons freedom is restricted when you are young you need to learn responsablity and you can always get want to want. You have to deal with the things that come up in life and move on. Also when you are younger your parents want to protect you so you don't make good dissions. I think it's good to get restricted with freedom so you don't make the wrong dissions. But as you get older your limitations get smaller and you have to make your own dissions. I think these limitations are important through younger ages

  65. As younge adults or adolescents we do have freedome but very little we would love to have more freedome like go where we want or buy the certien things we want without restrictions but this is taken away from us to keep us safe if we had more freedome then it wouldnt hurt parents of childrent to keep them safe but not taking freedome from them but for younger children like kids 11 and younger do need some limitations without these everything would be a mess its more appropriate to protect the younge than the older or more protection if some one is mentaly ill or disturbed.

  66. I belive that some freadoms need to be taken away because that if we dont, there will be chaos in the streats. and if we inforce the laws there will be peace,law, and order. also if you have a child dont you want them to grow up in a nice wholesom commity

  67. Freedom....I have freedom in basically everything. I have freedom of speech and say what I think about something, to be able to be what I like be when I grow up, to learn, ask questions and get an honest answer. We have to learn to get ready for the future life. We have to learn math to pay for something. We have to learn science we know how things happen physically and why. We learn history because we should learn what thing have happen in the past and how they might have changed ow we lived today or not. We learn foreign languages so that we know how other people in the world communicate. We learn our language because we still do not know everything about our language. We learn all these different subjects to understand life better. This is in our freedom because when we CHANGE. For me this was hard to understand, but now it makes sense. We can change the way we live later on, we can change they way we think, our personality. All this would lead to a better world.

  68. Freedom is a right. It is also a responsibility. Adults have more freedom because they have more experiance. Kids are more likely to abuse freedom if they have too much. Freedom is something that must be earned. You can't expect to uphold that much responsibility if you don't have some years behind you. Of course, there are always flaws. There really is no perfect system.

  69. I think it is fair because since our founding fathers we have always have almost the same system and if there was a flaw then dont you think sombody would have noticed and there is no purpose on fighting the system if it gives us a home,keeps us with our families,and keeps us safe
